
Upcoming 990 filing deadlines for tax exempt organizations

Important deadlines for 990 filings

Exempt organizations are required to file a form 990, 990EZ, or 990N, and schedules with the IRS. In addition exempt organizations in California are required to file a CA-199 with the Franchise Tax Board and most likely an RRF-1 with the Registry of Charitable Trusts. Here are upcoming deadlines. File your extensions and final returns on time so your organization doesn't incur penalties!

Fiscal year ending 12/31

  • 11/15/16 final due date to file return
  • 5/15/16 first extension to file due for 2016
  • 8/15/16 second extension due for 2016

Fiscal year ending 6/30

  • 11/15/16 first extension to file due
  • 2/15/16 second extension due
  • 5/15/16 final due date to file return

If your organizations fiscal year falls in a different month, please refer to the IRS table for due dates. https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/return-due-dates-for-exempt-organizations-annual-return