Extensive experience as a bookkeeper and accountant, with a passion for social justice.

Shelby Malvoso enjoys working with nonprofit organizations and sharing her knowledge of nonprofit accounting and bookkeeping rules, regulations, and best practices. She loves being able to use her skills to help organizations with their bookkeeping and accounting needs, so the organization can work to fulfill its mission and change the world.

Starting at the age of sixteen, Shelby spent most of her time after school at a local ballet studio dancing, teaching ballet, and helping at the front desk. She helped track client billing, and record client payments, getting her first taste of bookkeeping. She went on to UC Santa Barbara to earn her Bachelor's in Business Economics ('02). While at UCSB she worked part-time as a bookkeeper for a small business consisting of motels and motel reservation services. After moving to San Francisco in 2003, she was introduced to nonprofits and their social justice work.  Within weeks of moving, Shelby went to her first protest against the war in Iraq. She was hooked on the Bay Area, and on working towards making the world a better place.

Shortly after moving Shelby started volunteering at a small nonprofit, and began to learn about accounting specifically for nonprofits. She felt the need in the sector for experienced, knowledgeable bookkeepers and accountants and realized she could put her skills to use by working with nonprofits. Shelby decided to expand her knowledge of accounting by getting a Masters in Accountancy from Golden Gate University. In 2008, Shelby began working at CompassPoint as bookkeeper and fiscal analyst. It was here she discovered that outside consultants can be as necessary to nonprofits as employees.

Shelby Malvoso started working towards CPA licensure in 2010. She passed all parts of the CPA exam by the end of 2011, and became a licensed CPA in 2012. Shelby worked at a small CPA firm for six years, specializing in compilation of GAAP basis nonprofit financial statements, and preparation of nonprofit tax returns. During that time she gained experience working with nonprofits of all budget sizes compiling financial statements, tracking grant spending, preparing government funding invoices, preparing annual tax returns, and more.